MATLAB: Wrong values of PSNR for two nearly identical images


my original image is Lena.gif (256×256) which i attached and for this image i did a first level Wavelet (haar) decomposition with Wavelet analyzer toolbox, i attached approximation named LL1.
When i calculate PSNR with function in Matlab "psnr" i got values 27.68, which is not logically. Also, i computed PSNR with my own code:
I = imread('lena.gif');
I = imread('LL1.gif');
I = uint8(I);
L1 = uint8(L1);
% I = im2double(I);
% L1 = im2double(L1)
mse = sum((I(:)-L1(:)).^2)/numel(L1);
psnr1 = 10*log10(255*255/mse);
fprintf('\n MYYYY The PSNR is: %0.2f', psnr1);
and results are also not logically. It is know that if PSNR<=30 then image having low quality, else if PSNR>=30 && PSNR<=60 then image having Medium quality else image having good quality.
What is wrong with PSNR function?

Best Answer

When you compare them side by side you can see that the wavelet processed one is low quality.
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