MATLAB: Writing ~ using fprintf


Hello to everyone.
The point of this question is how to write the character ~ when using fprintf.
When I write it, I get the following message:
Warning: Escaped character '\~' is not valid.
Moreover, I'm wondering how to add a text before a mathematical expression, i.e.:
fprintf(f,'\~y\~-\~w %.6E & %.6E & %.6E & %.6E\\\\',A(1, :));
What sould I do in order to write that?
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

The tilde can be printed directly without escaping:
fprintf('This is a tile: ~\n')
And what is the problem with adding text?
fprintf(f,'~y~-~w %.6E & %.6E & %.6E & %.6E\\\\', A(1, :));