MATLAB: Writing title on images

infrared imagetitle

Hello everybody,
I have 100 images, what my code does is reading the image and shows them, but I need to write a title on each image through the showing. When I run my code, the images begin showning but there is no titl on them just on the last one. What I need is showing the images in sequence and the title one them.
srcFiles = dir('F:\the source\*.mim');
for i = 1 : length(srcFiles)
filename = strcat('F:\the source\',srcFiles(i).name);
S{i} = double(imread(filename));
for j=1:n
D{j} = imcrop(S{j},[35 1 260 240]);

Best Answer

Try this for your second loop:
for k = 1 : length(S)
% Display the orginal image.
imshow(S{k}, []);
caption = sprintf('Original Image #%d out of %d', k, n);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 14);
pause(0.5); % Pause long enough for user to see image before it goes to the next one.

% Now crop the image and display it.
D{k} = imcrop(S{k}, [35, 1, 260, 240]);
imshow(D{k}, [])
caption = sprintf('Cropped Image #%d out of %d', k, n);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 14);
pause(1); % Pause long enough for user to see image before it goes to the next one.
but honestly, I don't know why you're doing this in two separeate loops and storing all the images (wasting memory) when you could do it all in one loop and use only one image by overwriting it every time.
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