MATLAB: Writing output in excel file with variable to decide starting cell to write data


I have done 100 test runs and for each run I have processed and averaged data(single value) for 20 different signals. I have to run matlab code to process the data
after each code run I get a set of 20 values for that particular test run. I wanted to write them in single excel file.
Currently I am able to write xlswrite command to output test run data of particular test (whichever I am running matlab code for) in excel format but if I run code next time again it will overlap my previous data in excel file
Can someone explain me how can I use xlswrite command with a variable
for example
this is the command I use to have excel output
xlswrite (filename,Output,sheetname,'B2');
if there is way to assign variable (instead of 'B2' which is a constant) to decide where to start printing data in excel , I believe that will resolve my querry.

Best Answer

Sure, just use my little utility xlsAddr to build the address and pass to xlswrite
for i=1:N
xlswrite('Output.xlsx',output,xlsAddr(2,i+1)) % write to column B2, C2, ...
function rnge=xlsAddr(row,col)
% Build Excel cell address from row, column
% RNGE=XLSADDR(ROW,COL) will return an Excel cell address
% formed from the input ROW,COL values. Either input may be
% string or numeric and will be converted to canonical form
if isnumeric(col)
if ~isscalar(col), error('Input Column Not Scalar'), end
rnge=num2str('A'+[fix(col/26) rem(col,26)]-1,'$%c%c');
rnge(rnge=='@')=[]; % cleanup for single character
rnge=['$' col];
if isnumeric(row)
if ~isscalar(row), error('Input Row Not Scalar'), end
rnge=[rnge num2str(row,'$%d')];
if ~all(ismember(row,'0':'9')), error('Invalid Excel Address: Row not numeric'), end
rnge=[rnge row];
I'm not sure, later releases of Matlab may have similar functions; at the time I wrote this there weren't any supplied excepting in some private supporting routines...
Alternatively, save your data into an array by similarly allocating room for each new vector in a column of an array and then wait and write the whole shebang at once. Unless you have zillions of these, memory should be no issue.