MATLAB: Writing multiple arrays to the same excel sheet.

excelexport datanaming arrayssame excel sheetwritewriting arrays

Hello, as title says i want to write different arrays to the same excel sheet. The arrays I'm using are (both type n,1):
If i name a new array and try writing that one to the excel sheet with the commands shown below
xlswrite('error points.xlsx',b)
I get no results, plus the excel cells are blank with no data at all. How is this solved? In addition, how can I name these different arrays in the excel sheet?
Instead I'm using
xlswrite('error points.xlsx',a(start:enda,2))
xlswrite('error points.xlsx',a(start:enda,3))
opening two different sheets and merging them, which is a waste of time.

Best Answer

All you need to change is:
or put them in two columns