MATLAB: Writing Cell Arrays to Excel

cell arrayexcelxlswrite

I am trying to export a cell array into Excel.
Currently the code looks like this:
CellArray={'Data','# of Pause Points','Start frame','End frame';filename,pausepts,Sframe,Eframe}
Which displays in the command window like this:
'Data' '# of Pause Points' 'Start frame' 'End frame'
[1×37 char] [ 79] [79×1 double] [79×1 double]
When I open the excel file, the 'Data' and '# of Pause Points' information is in the cells, but the [79×1 double] for 'start frame' and 'end frame' are not displayed in the excel file.
I am not sure what I need to do to resolve this, any guidance would be appreciated.

Best Answer

% Look at this example
v={'h1' 'h2' 'h3' 'h4';'a' 'b' rand(n,1) rand(n,1)} % Your cell array
vfinal=[h;[a b]]
% Then use xlswrite with vfinal