MATLAB: Writing a hex number in the right format

hex numbers sprintf

hi guys
i have a problem! I need to send a message to a device like this: "e r 0x02". The hex number is just an example. It could be any number. I normally fetch the number from a GUI interface in a decimal format. In my example the decimal number will be 2.
So somehow i need to convert the decimal number into a hex format which my device can understand. This is what i have tried:
UnitType = dec2hex(str2double(get(handles.Para1,'String')))
str = sprintf('e r 0x%x',UnitType)
This is what i get:
UnitType =
str =
e r 0x32
But it should be 'e r 0x02' what is happening?

Best Answer

UnitType is a string so use a string format %s instead of the hex format %x. Does your result always have to have exactly two hex digits?