MATLAB: Writing a file with columns

writting a file

Hello, I have a matrix 1000×3, and I want to write that data into a .csv file. The problem I have is that when I open the new file, I have the matrix that I wanted in one column. I want to have 3 columns when I open the excel file (Say A, B, C). Does anyone knows if it is possible to write my data in three separate columns? Thank you
fid = fopen('16.csv','w'); %Opens the file
fprintf(fid, '%5.2f\v %5.2f\v %d\v \n', T_DB, T_DP, RH);
fclose(fid); %Closes the file

Best Answer

T_DB = rand(1,10);
T_DP = rand(1,10);
RH = 1:10;
fid = fopen('16.csv','w'); %Opens the file
fprintf(fid, '%5.2f,%5.2f,%d\r\n', [T_DB; T_DP; RH]);
where T_DB and the others should be row vetors.