MATLAB: Writetable() Error: Undefined function ‘write’ for input arguments of type ‘double’


Hello there!
I recently upgraded from a windows to a mac and am getting used to the system.
My xlswrite function that worked perfectly fine on my PC doesn't on a mac. The .csv file that I get when I run MATLAB2015a is missing 2 sheets of data. I tried replacing it with writetable but get the following error:
"Undefined function 'write' for input arguments of type 'double'."
I tried simplifying the process to backtrack any errors with magic(5) – Still get the same error.
Is there an alternative? One of the alternatives I found was to download javalibraries, I was hoping to get a simpler solution.
Please Help!!

Best Answer

writetable writes the table to a file, but not matrices of type double. So try to convert the matrix to a table at first.
Please post the code for writing the Excel file.
Notice the limitations of xlswrite:
If your computer does not have Excel for Windows®, or if the COM server
(part of the typical installation of Excel) is unavailable, then the xlswrite
* Writes array A to a text file in comma-separated value (CSV) format. A must be a numeric matrix.
* Ignores the sheet and xlRange arguments.
A general hint: The documentation of Matlab is very useful. If you have problems with a specific command, reading the corresponding docs is a better help than in any other software I've used.
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