MATLAB: Writematrix error exceeds sheet boundaries error


Iis there any way to use writematrix (r2020a; excel 16 Mac or 2010 WIN) to write more than 2^16 rows of data (2 cols). Excel help says it can take 2^20 rows but writematrix throws error message if matrix > 2^16 rows.

Best Answer

hi again
the proof is here
you're trying to save in older xls format which is limited to 2^16 = 65536 rows
try with xlsx format (the limit should be 2^20 rows)
>> A = rand(2^17,2);
>> writematrix(A, 'test.xls','Sheet', 1, 'Range','A1');
Error using writematrix (line 175)
The data block starting at cell 'A1' exceeds the sheet boundaries by 65536 row(s) and 0 column(s).
>> writematrix(A, 'test.xlsx','Sheet', 1, 'Range','A1');