MATLAB: Write value to excel

importing excel data

Hello Everybody,
Due an internship assignment i'm using matlab. I haven't got many experience with it. My question is;
This is part of my code that i'm trying to get work. The meaning is to set a batch of images to grayscale and then crop at the given coördinates. After that i need to get the information of the average gray value and write that to excel. I can do it for one image, but i need to get a table with the information. the first value need to be written in 'B2' the next one in 'B3' the 3rd one in 'b4' etc.
Can someone help me with it?
Kind regards

Best Answer

You should compute the mean gray values of all images in the for loop as follows
B2(i) = mean2(I1);
B3(i) = mean2(I2);
B4(i) = mean2(I3);
Outside the for loop you then write the three B vectors to their specific sheets
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