MATLAB: Write sigma in uicontrol / text

faqgreek letterssigmasignspecial symbolstext;uicontrol

Right now, I'm trying to make a GUI, which calculates a certain sum, and I'd like to write a sigma sign, but for some reason, it's not working.
This is what I tried: uicontrol ('Style','text',… 'String','\sigma_1',… 'FontSize',25,… 'Position', [200 340 100 50]);
If I try copy-pasting a sigma sign off google, it just turns into a '?'.

Best Answer

Use an annotation instead of a uicontrol. This offers a text interpreter property:
annotation(gcf,'textbox','String','\sigma_1', 'FontSize',25,'units','pix', 'Position', [200 340 100 50],'Interpreter','Tex');