MATLAB: Write on next line whilst constructing questdlg


Hey guys,
I'm constructing a question dialog box which has quite a lot of writing in it. Is there a way of writing the rest of the text on the next line of the script file? I've tried using ellipses and it's not working.
On a side note, is it possible to format questdlg so that you can split the dialog text into separate paragraphs?
Louis Vallance

Best Answer

QUESTDLG wraps the text automatically at a certain width. Several paragraphs can be obtained by using a cell string, perhaps with an empty string as separator:
Str = ['asdhgaiosdzgoaszdlbas l lashb kjha sd,man bsdljhakshdg v ', ...
'öaiosuh asödh ljhansbd kjash dbkashdg'];
questdlg({Str, '', Str})
Look at the doc textwrap command also.
[EDITED, Jan, typo fixed: quote character inserted]