MATLAB: Write multi-line strings into text file


Hi all,
I have a few lines of strings, which I'd like to write into a .inp (basically a text) file. The strings look like this:
>> strTest
strTest =
6×1 string array
"** Job name: L2H1_dynamics Model name: Model-1"
"** Generated by: Abaqus/CAE 6.12-4"
"*Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO"
"** PARTS"
I tried to use the following code to write it:
fid = fopen('strTestOtpt.inp', 'wt');
fprintf(fid, strTest);
got this error:
Error using fprintf
Invalid format.
I know I can probably use a loop to do this, but is there a better way? Many thanks!

Best Answer

found an answer here:
code is:
fid = fopen('strTestOtpt.inp', 'wt');
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', strTest);