MATLAB: Write an url list in one column of a text file

columnsfprintfhyperlinktext fileurlwebsave

I want to write a text.file with several columns. In the last one, I want to write an url so that ,when I open the text file and click on it, I get redirected to the website.
In the command window, this works:
disp('<a href = "">The MathWorks Web Site</a>')
But if I "fprintf" a string array of strings with that format, it writes the whole string on the file and doesn't create the hyperlink.
Also, "websave" doesn't work because I want to write other columns:
fprintf(fileID_diametros,'%10.1f\t %15.3f\t %19.3f\t %19.1f / %.1f\t %130s \n',[r1*2000;r0*2;esp_max;r1*2000;d_inteiro;rg_website]);
rg_website is the string array of urls.
How can I solve this?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You cannot solve that. Text files do not have hyperlinks, they just have text.
If you write the whole thing in HTML standards then a browser might be willing to provide link services. If you write the whole thing using RTF then an editor might be willing to provide link services.
Plain text files do not have links or colors or fonts.