MATLAB: Write a vector with (for example) 10^-5 kind of numbers


Hi everybody!
I want to write that vector :
h = [10^-1 10^-2 10^-3 10^-4 10^-5 10^-6 10^-7 10^-8 10^-9 10^-10 10^-11 10^-12 10^-13 10^-14 10^-15 10^16 10^-17 10^18 10^-19 10^-20]
I know I can write it by hand (like I did), but is there a more condence way to do it? I know there's a technique to write a vector like this [x:y:z], where y is the step, but it doens't seem to be working with 10^.
Thank you!

Best Answer

10.^ (-(1:20))