MATLAB: Write a script that calculates the ​​user produced polynomial. The polynomial can be input until the user decides to terminate the program.


I've been given an asignment in school and I'm a bit stuck with this task in the title.
Can anyone help me write the script because I don't know how to create a polynomial that is user decided and loop it at the same time?
Thanks in adwance.

Best Answer

If you have the Symbolic Math Toolbox and wish to manipulate the polynomials in symbolic form, you can use poly2sym,
>> p = input('\nEnter polynomial coefficients: ')
Enter polynomial coefficients: [1,1,0,-1]
p =
1 1 0 -1
>> P=poly2sym(p)
P =
x^3 + x^2 - 1
However, that's often unnecessary. There are many Matlab commands that can analyze polynomials given only a vector representing their coefficients, e.g.,
>> roots(p) %roots of the polynomial
ans =
-0.8774 + 0.7449i
-0.8774 - 0.7449i
0.7549 + 0.0000i