MATLAB: Would circshift stop working.


There is no evidence that circshift is working. The two plots are the same whereas yesterday a clear shift in the plots can be see. I have also printed out spect2 before and after the shift and there is none.
Using Matlab 2014
Columns 49 through 56
0.570245000000000 0.570246000000000 0.570247000000000 0.570248000000000 0.570249000000000 0.570250000000000 0.570251000000000 0.570252000000000
3.848182812500000 3.704242187500000 3.475567187500000 3.204188671875000 2.899719335937500 2.559822851562500 2.223999414062500 1.932186718750000
Columns 49 through 56
0.570245000000000 0.570246000000000 0.570247000000000 0.570248000000000 0.570249000000000 0.570250000000000 0.570251000000000 0.570252000000000
3.848182812500000 3.704242187500000 3.475567187500000 3.204188671875000 2.899719335937500 2.559822851562500 2.223999414062500 1.932186718750000

Best Answer

What is the value of ‘td’? If it is 0, you won’t see any shift.
Is ‘spect2’ a vector or a matrix? (I couldn’t tell from your code.) If it’s a matrix, circshift will operate on the rows by default, with the syntax you’re using with it. You may need to tell it to operate on the columns.