MATLAB: Working Backwards with Simulink

differential equationsdynamicsfree responseodeordinary differential equationssimulink

Hello folks,
I am a student of mechanical engineering and am analyzing some data. The data is collected by a tachometer from a flexible shaft, whose torsional damping coefficient (and stiffness) (in addition to the damping coefficient and stiffness of several torsional bearings in the system) I am to determine. Certainly after having drawn the free body diagram, I have a differential equation to model the motion, which I can then put into SIMULINK and produce a theoretical model of the vibration.
The only problem?
One of the terms in this equation is an unknown, so I don't have a value to put into one of the GAIN boxes in my free-response SIMULINK model.
But I know what the graph SHOULD look like! The SIMULINK model only serves to be a theoretical model and should match my experimental data, which I have! I could show you a photo of it, but it's just like any exponentially decaying sinusoidal function. Heck, I have the peaks and the period and can find all attributes of that graph.
So my question is, can I use both SIMULINK and the data from the experiment to work backwards and determine what this unknown damping constant is?! I fiddled around with the model by varying the gain and checking the scope to see if the model mimics my experimental values, but it's just not a good enough way. There must be another way.
Any help on this is appreciated.

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You might want to start by watching the webinar.
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