MATLAB: Workaround for java error


I have a graphics intensive Matlab script that occasionally gives the error
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Error windowHandle 0, werr: 0
Would love guidance on eliminating this. I found this set of workarounds, but did not get success by updating the driver, turning off off GraphicsSmoothing, or switching to opengl('save','software') or opengl('save','hardwarebasic'). In case it's relevant, I have a 64 bit machine but am using the 32-bit version of R2015b (required by some hardware).
Here is the full java error message,

Best Answer

Later we found two versions of java on my machine, 32 and 64 bit, so we deleted the 32 bit. That seemed to eliminate the error. I am answering this question myself in case it helps someone else out.