MATLAB: With what parameters we can identify whether the neural network is properly trained or not


I am new to neural networks.I have created & trained the neural network using nprtool in matlab.I am getting a network,but doesn't know whether the network properly works or whether the network has to be trained again.
With what parameters I can know this.When the neural network will be trained properly.

Best Answer

Use NMSE, the normalized-mean-square-error, related to the Rsquare (See Wikipedia) statistic:
0 <= NMSE = 1-Rsquare <= 1
NMSE = mse(target-output)/MSEref
where the reference MSE is obtained from the naïve constant output model
outputc = mean(target,2)
MSEref = mse(target - mean(target,2))
= mean(var(target',1))
If your NMSE is > 1, that means that your design is worse than just assuming the output is a constant!
Hope this helps
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greg NMSE