MATLAB: Wind vector arrows color coding

wind vector

Hi i have data of wind direction , speed, and temperature.
wdir = [45 90 90];
knots = [6 6 8 ];
temp=[10 5 -2];
Using the following lines i can get the compass plot for wind direction and speed.
rdir = wdir * pi/180;
[x,y] = pol2cart(rdir,knots);
But is there any way to color code the arrows using the temp values, and give the legend of the temp color code. Seeking help from matlab experts, Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Compass produces individual line object, not tied to a colormap, so you'll have to do the color-matching yourself:
wdir = [45 90 90];
knots = [6 6 8 ];
temp= [10 5 -2];
rdir = wdir * pi/180;
[x,y] = pol2cart(rdir,knots);
h = compass(x,y);
tcol = interpcolor(temp, jet(64), [-5 10]);
set(h, {'color'}, num2cell(tcol,2));
set(gca, 'clim', [-5 10]);
Find interpcolor here. Note that the colormap and colorbar in the above figure are for reference only; they don't actually link to the colors of the arrows.
(Also, you really shouldn't accept an answer if it doesn't actually answer your question).