MATLAB: Wind rose – how to remove axis

axisremovewind rose

I would like to remove axis (circle axis) from a wind rose graph. I have used some of the following options, but they did not worked for wind rose. Is there some other way to remove axis?

Best Answer

Don't know if there's an updated, more elegant way to do this, but the solution here does it in a roundabout way, which works.
% create the polar plot, and store the line's handle
p = polar((0:99)*pi/100, (0:99)/100);
% find all of the lines in the polar plot
h = findall(gcf,'type','line');
% remove the handle for the polar plot line from the array
h(h == p) = [];
% delete all other lines
% find all of the text objects in the polar plot
t = findall(gcf,'type','text');
% delete the text objects