MATLAB: Why wont this simple plot work


n =10;
t = zeros(1:n);
pa = zeros(1:n);
tf = 120;
for i = 1:n
t(i) = (i-1)*tf/(n-1);
pu(i) = pini*tv/(380 + wf*t(i)/60);
I get the error :
Error using plot
Data cannot have more than 2 dimensions.

Best Answer

The 3 lines below create two 10 dimensional arrays. plot(x,y) only allows for scalars, vectors, or matrices.
n =10;
t = zeros(1:n);
pa = zeros(1:n);
You probably meant
t = zeros(1,n);
pa = zeros(1,n);
But since we don't have values for many of the other variables, we can't test it.