MATLAB: Was the “Bufsize” option removed from “textscan”


I have run a code compatibility report for my code and noticed that the "bufsize" option for the "textscan" function has been removed. I clicked the ‘Details’ link from the code compatibility report but there is no information on "bufsize". The error reads "Option 'Bufsize' has been removed. There is no simple replacement for this". Could you provide a few more details on this change?

Best Answer

Due to a change in the implementation of "textscan", manual buffering was no longer needed with the function. Therefore, the "bufsize" option did not serve any purpose. Rather than continuing to include the option in newer releases, our development team began phasing it out by first providing a warning in release R2014b and then an error in R2015b if the option was used. To account for this change in your code, the only thing you should need to do is remove the option from calls to "textscan".