MATLAB: Why PV panels gives algebraic loop errors

algebraic looppvarraySimscape Electricalsimulink

Hello everybody I have a question why when I'm simulating my PV sistem, especifically the PV panel send me an arror for algebaric loop, if it is a model constructed by mathworks, and it should work without any problem so that it has been optimiced. I do my question because i can disable in the diagnostic page the message, but i still appear the error message.
This is the message: An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated Caused by: Algebraic state in algebraic loop containing 'Mec2cea_TODO_Prueba/PV Array/I Filter/First-Order Filter/Model/Sum1' computed at time 85508.67136121988 is Inf or NaN. There may be a singularity in the solution. If the model is correct, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances

Best Answer

Use a "unit delay" block near that error area. Possibly just before division/multiplication blocks