MATLAB: Why license checkout failed

licenseerorrMATLAB Compiler

When i input the command, license('checkout','Compiler') it pops up License checkout failed. License Manager Error -101 All licenses are reserved for others. The system administrator has reserved all the licenses for others. Reservations are made in the options file. The license server system must be restarted for options file changes to take effect.
Troubleshoot this issue by visiting:
Diagnostic Information: Feature: Compiler License path:;C:\Users\mkzfapdlab\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2015b_licenses;C:\Program Files\MatLab\R2015b\licenses\license.dat;C:\Program Files\MatLab\R2015b\licenses\network.lic Licensing error: -101,147.
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How to solve this issue? For your information, i get this error using the company desktop. So i guess it is because of the server permission?

Best Answer

The key line is:
The system administrator has reserved all the licenses for others.
Contact the system administrator for your license, probably someone in your company's IT department, and ask them if they can free up a license for you or (if all the licenses are being used by users that need them) purchase additional licenses to satisfy demand.