MATLAB: Isn’t strtrim working on the string


I have a simple string, that has many leading spaces: a = ' abcd' I want to remove the white space by using strtrim, but it is not working. I used ['|' a '|'] and then newchr = strtrim(a) but the newchr still has the leading spaces. Why?
The string a is read from excel file which I tried to remove the spaces but also failed.

Best Answer

Your whitespace might be "significant", as mentioned in the documentation for strtrim.
For example, if you do
s = [char(160) 'abcd']
then the strtrim command will have no effect.
What do you get for these whitespace characters if you type
where s is your string?
You could use regexprep to get rid of significant whitespace:
s = regexprep(s,char(160),'')
You'll need to take care of not removing those special characters from other places.