MATLAB: Why is this code showing zero for all equations?


disp('Enter all values in row vector ');
x=input('Enter the values of x=');
y=input('Enter the values of function at x f(x)=');
val=input('Enter the value of x at which derivative is to be calculated=');
disp('Following are the Difference Derivatives')
disp(' FDD CDD BDD')
disp([fd cd bd])

Best Answer

Enter the val value such that it must contain in x, then only following give some non zero value
Other wise If you enter like as follows
Enter all values in row vector
Enter the values of x=[1 2 3 4]
Enter the values of function at x f(x)=[1 2 4 5]
Enter the value of x at which derivative is to be calculated=6
Now form the next statemnet
Find in x, which equal to 6, actually 6 is not there, hence it return null
>> whos i
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
i 1x0 0 double
which leads to zero in the equations.
Following gives non zero result, where I have choose val=2, which is part of x vector.
Enter all values in row vector
Enter the values of x=[1 2 3 4]
Enter the values of function at x f(x)=[1 2 4 5]
Enter the value of x at which derivative is to be calculated=2
Following are the Difference Derivatives
2.0000 1.5000 1.0000
Hope it Helps!