MATLAB: Why is the table not showing fprintf


%this F works by it self as a 3 columns 21 rows but when i put it on fprintf to display it %just gives me >> 0 or gives me nothing underneath the table label. another problem and did the samething but in the other one works!
P = linspace(0,400,21); % first column '
V = 1;
R = 0.08314472;
n = 2;
t1 = @(P) (P.*V)/(n*R);
Ti = t1(P); %second column dont forget to '
R = 0.08314472; n = 2; P1 = 220; a = 5.536; b = 0.03049;
V = linspace(0.1,10,21);
t2 = @(V) (P1+((n.^2*a)./(V.^2)).*(V-n.*b)/n.*R)
Tvw = t2(V) %third column and transpose
F = [P;Ti;Tvw]'; %this F works by it self as a 3 columns 21 rows
fprintf('\n P T_i T_vw \n') fprintf('\n————————————–\n') fprintf('%2.0 %12.4f %12.4f,\n', F)

Best Answer

fprintf('%.0f %12.4f %12.4f,\n', F)