MATLAB: Is the script so slow? Eratosthenes


I was trying to implement Eratosthenes sieve without "cheating" and looking it up online. What i found was that my script works, i.e. returns the correct numbers, BUT it was sooo slow, took like 25-30 minutes to complete for N=2000000.
This other smaller script I found online was much faster — timed .6 seconds.
Can someone maybe explain what it is that eats up so much time in script compared to the smaller one?
%%fast script
N = 2000000;
M = 1:N;
p = M(2);
while p^2 < N
M(p^2:p:N) = 0;
p = find(M>p,1);
primes = M(M>1);
%%my slow script
E = 2000000;
M = (2:E);
i = 1;
p = M(i);
K = [];
while p^2 < E
K = [];
if p ~= 0
for k = p^2-1:p:length(M)
if mod(M(k),p) == 0
K = [K,k];
M(K) = 0;
i = i + 1;
if i <= E-1
p = M(i);
M = M(M>0);

Best Answer

Even K(end+1) is not efficient. The iterative growing of an array is a severe mistake. See this example:
K = [];
for i = 1:1e6
K = [K, i];
% or K(end+1) = i; % Same problem!
In the first iteration a new array of size 1 is allocated and the contents of i is copied to the last value. In the 2nd iteration a new array of size 2 is allocated, the former values of K are copied and i is inserted as last element, etc. At the end, you did not reserve and copy 1e6 elements (8MB, because a double has 8 bytes), but sum(1:1e6)*8 Bytes: 4e12 or 4TB!
Never let an array grow iteratively. Always allocate the array at once instead. In your case it is not needed to use the vecot K at all:
while p^2 < E
if p ~= 0
for k = p^2-1:p:length(M)
if M(k) && (mod(M(k),p) == 0)
M(k) = 0;
Set M(k) directly to 0 instead of collecting the vector of indices at first.