MATLAB: Is the parameter inlined in the generated code even though I have declared it as an ImportedExtern in Real-timeWorkshop 7.1 (R2008a)

simulink coder

I am using a Look-up Table block in my Simulink model and would like the input vector and the output vector to be tunable. I have set the input vector to be an ImportedExtern type. However, when code is generated from the model, the input vector value is being hardcoded.
I receive the following warning message while running RTW:
Warning: Reducing run-time parameter 'InputValues' of <blockname> to its numerical equivalent because the parameter is a transformation of one or more dialog parameters.
You will be unable to interface to the run-time parameter in the generated code even though the corresponding dialog parameters map to variables (<variablename>(base workspace)) that are either (a) tunable variables, or (b) variables that are input arguments to the system containing the block.

Best Answer

This warning message could be caused by a type conflict between the data type of the variable in the MATLAB workspace and in the Simulink model.
For example, if the variable name in the MATLAB workspace is of type UINT8 but the data type of the input to the Look-up Table block in the Simulink model has data type SINGLE, then the parameter undergoes a data type transformation, which causes this warning message.
You can resolve the issue by performing one of the following steps:
1. Ensure that the variable in the MATLAB workspace has a type that matches that of the Look-up Table block (in this case SINGLE).
2. Ensure that the data type of the input signal to the Look-up Table block matches the variable in the MATLAB workspace (in this case UINT8).