MATLAB: Is the out-printed string displaying the wrong values


The code of the fprintf-part:
coordPoints = [convexHull,coordsConvex].';
fprintf('convex hull points:');
fprintf(' %d (%d %d),',coordPoints(:,1:end - 1))
fprintf(' and %d (%d %d).\n',coordPoints(:,end))
The current output:
convex hull points: 16 (0 3), 13 (0 0), 11 (6 0), 8 (8 0), 5 (8 6), 1 (0 8), and 18 (0 4).
The desired output:
convex hull points: 16 (-10 3), 13 (-9 -5), 11 (6 -10), 8 (8 -7), 5 (8 6), 1 (-7 8), and 18 (-10 4).
It is clearly caused by the negative values, but I can't seem to figure out how exactly.
The variable coordsConvex
-10 3
-9 -5
6 -10
8 -7
8 6
-7 8
-10 4
The variale coordPoints
16 13 11 8 5
0 0 6 8 8
3 0 0 0 6

Best Answer

This line below changes the values of convexHull.
coordPoints = [convexHull,coordsConvex].';
To prevent that, convert to double
coordPoints = [double(convexHull),coordsConvex].';
% ^^^^^^^
fprintf('convex hull points:');
fprintf(' %d (%d %d),',coordPoints(:,1:end - 1))
fprintf(' and %d (%d %d).\n',coordPoints(:,end))
convex hull points: 16 (-10 3), 13 (-9 -5), 11 (6 -10), 8 (8 -7), 5 (8 6), 1 (-7 8), and 18 (-10 4).