MATLAB: Is the average power spectral density from the output of a Band-Limited White Noise block not equal to the Noise Power parameter when using an Averaging Power Spectral Density Block


A simple Simulink model with a Band-Limited White Noise block source feeding into an Averaging Power Spectral Density Block will display an average PSD which is approximately three times smaller than the value I supplied in the Noise Power parameter of the Band-Limited White Noise block. I would like to know the reason as to why this could be taking place.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
The unit used for the average PSD in the Averaging Power Spectral Density block is the square of the magnitude per unit radial frequency: Mag^2/(rad/sec) and is displayed as a one-sided spectrum.
The Band-Limited White Noise block, however, is assuming a specification of a two-sided spectrum, using Hz as the unit for frequencies. This means that the factor between these two representations is exactly 1/2 * 2 * pi = pi, where the 1/2 is the compensation for one-sided vs. two-sided and the 2 * pi accounts for the conversion between rad/sec and Hz.