MATLAB: Is MATLAB Help browser showing unformatted text on Linux (R2018b)

help browserMATLAB

In R2018b, when I bring up the Help browser, e.g. using
doc classdef
it brings up a window, but it's just unformatted text, and no graphics.
I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. It is fine on R2018a.

Best Answer

I was able to fix this problem on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Matlab R2018b. The following command, run from the system terminal, showed that the system was missing libgconf-2-4.
ldd ~/.matlab/R2018b/HtmlPanel/glnxa64/chromium/jxbrowser-chromium | grep -i found
Output shows missing shared library. => not found
Solution: Install libgconf-2-4 AND restart Matlab
sudo apt install libgconf-2-4
Thanks to Alexander Maye for pointing me at jxbrowser-chromium.
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