MATLAB: Why haart2 function isn’t found in matlab

haart2image processingwavelet

I am trying to use haart2 in matlab , but everytime it shows me this error
Undefined function or variable 'haart2'.
Error in haar (line 5)
[a2,h2,v2,d2] = haart2(im,2);
So i checked if i have the wavelet toolbox and it turns out that it exists in my matlab :
>> ver wavelet
MATLAB Version: (R2015a)
MATLAB License Number: 161052
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 Pro Version 6.2 (Build 9200)
Java Version: Java 1.7.0_60-b19 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
Wavelet Toolbox Version 4.14.1 (R2015a)
so what is wrong?

Best Answer

According to the notes at the end of the documentation pages for the haart and haart2 functions, these two functions were introduced in Wavelet Toolbox in release R2016b. You will not be able to use them in earlier releases.
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