MATLAB: Frequency domain signal is not reconstructed using ifft followed by fft


I was checking if I start with a frequency domain signal, find its inverse Fourier transform (using ifft), then get the function back using Fourier transform (using fft). The final result I am getting is very strange: the time domain signal (after ifft) looks perfect but the real (or imaginary) part of frequency domain signal (after fft of the time domain signal) looks very different from the original frequency domain signal I started with (it is showing oscillations like time domain signal) although the absolute part looks fine. Here it is:
w1 = linspace(0,1000,1024);
w1 = w1;
W = 10;
w0 = 100;
N = length(w1);
dw = mean(diff(w1));
Y1 = exp(-((w1-w0)/W).^2);
y1 = ifft(Y1);
y1 = ifftshift(y1);
t1 = t1 = (-N/2 : N/2 – 1)/dw;
Y2 = fft(y1);
Y2 = fftshift(Y2);
w2 = (-N/2 : N/2 – 1)*dw;
subplot (1,3,1); %plot of the original frequency domain signal I started with
plot (w1,Y1)
xlim ([-200 200]);
axis square;
subplot (1,3,2);
plot (t1, real(y1)) %plot of the time domain signal
xlim ([-100 100]);
axis square;
subplot (1,3,3);
plot (w2,real(Y2)) %plot of the real part of frequency domain signal
hold all
plot (w2,abs(Y2)) %plot of the absolute part of frequency domain signal
xlim ([-200 200]);
axis square;
Will highly appreciate if anyone can resolve this issue. Thanks.

Best Answer

Ok, figured it out: ifftshift (or fftshift) is only for plotting, so before doing the fft (or ifft) the complex function has to be regenerated by ifftshift (or fftshift) - here is the code:
w1 = linspace(0,1000,1024);
w1 = w1;
W = 10;
w0 = 100;
N = length(w1);
dw = mean(diff(w1));
Y1 = -exp(-((w1-w0)/W).^2);
subplot (1,3,1); %plot of the original frequency domain signal I started with
plot (w1,Y1)
xlim ([-200 200]);
axis square;
y1 = ifft(Y1);
y1 = ifftshift(y1); %this is only for plotting
t1 = (-N/2 : N/2 - 1)/dw;
subplot (1,3,2);
plot (t1, real(y1)) %plot of the time domain signal
xlim ([-100 100]);
axis square;
y1 = ifftshift(y1); %this is crucial
Y2 = fft(y1);
Y2 = fftshift(Y2); %this is only for plotting
w2 = (-N/2 : N/2 - 1)*dw;
subplot (1,3,3);
plot (w2,real(Y2)) %plot of the real part of frequency domain signal
xlim ([-200 200]);
axis square;