MATLAB: Why filtering gives nan values.


Am applying low pass filter to my signal data using
[b11,a11] = butter(5,4/24);
MM1= filtfilt(b11,a11,MM1);
but the result comes out nan. I don't have any nans in my MM1 data . Any help?

Best Answer

I think the input has a NaN, look at this example :
[b11,a11] = butter(5,4/24);
MM1= filtfilt(b11,a11,r); % Normal Filtering
r(end/2)=NaN; % FOR example a middle value to be NaN
MM2= filtfilt(b11,a11,r);
MM2 is vector of NaNs, only one NaN value in r produces NaNs in the output .
try :
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