MATLAB: ¿Why doesn’t work this algorithm about commissions and sales

algorithmhomeworkMATLABscriptwhile loop

Hello everyone, help is really appreciated here, I need help to know why the following algorithm doesn't work, please. ¿What I'm doing wrong? ¿Does the code lack something?
Sorry, English is not my native language.
A seller needs to know his total commissions for selling multiple items. The seller get 10% commission based on the total price of the sales. Develop an algorithm that allows the seller to know how much money he earned from commissions if he did N sales, type N as a condition (WHILE).
You have to use WHILE. Don't use IF, ELSE, etc.
This is the code and does't work, please help.
PC = 0.1; % 10 percent of the commission
i = 1;
sum = 0;
C = 0; % commissions

N = input('Enter all the sales: ');
while i < N || i == N;
i = i+1;
sum = sum+i;
C = N*PC; % commissions
disp('You earned:');

Best Answer

The "while" command iterate its body until the condition is met. For this reason the condition must change inside the loop. But in your code neither "i" nor "N" is touched inside the loop body, such that you get a loop which either runs infinitely or not even one time (if N <= 1).