MATLAB: Doesn’t importdata recognize space or tab as delimiters

data importMATLAB

I am working on MATLAB 2015a and trying to process a data matrix which looks like this.
Each number is separated by a tab. However, when I tried to import my data using
data = importdata('myfile.txt');
the result is not a multi-row numerical matrix, but a single-row char matrix. I tried to switch the delimiter to space, but it doesn't work. I even specified the delimiter using
[data, delim] = importdata('myfile.txt', '\t');
[data, delim] = importdata('myfile.txt', ' ');
but it still doesn't work and the returned delim is NaN. How can I solve this problem? Thank you!

Best Answer

fid =fopen('myfile.txt','r')
file = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n','Delimiter','','collectoutput',1);
or try
data = importdata('myfile.txt') %couldn't regenerate the issue in 2017a
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