MATLAB: Does XLSWRITE fail with “Error: The server threw an exception.” in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


In my script I am using both XLSREAD and XLSWRITE. XLSREAD works without problems, but when I use XLSWRITE I receive the following error:
ERROR: ??? Error using ==> xlswrite at 253
Error: The server threw an exception.

Best Answer

There are certain Add-ins for Excel which can cause this error when using the XLSWRITE function. One of these is "Send to Bluetooth" (btsendto_office.dll). This Add-in is pre-installed on many modern day laptops which have a built-in bluetooth adaptor. Another one is called "ADTAPLib.ApproveItAddin".
To resolve the issue disable the offending Add-in in Excel. For more information about enabling and disabling Add-ins in Excel 2007, refer to:
When following the instructions on these pages please note that thes Add-ins can be categorized as a "COM Add-in".