MATLAB: Does values of fft change when length changes


Hi, I've got the following code-
x =[1,2,3,2];
y = [2,2,2,0,-4,4,4];
xlen = length(x);
ylen = length(y);
resultlength = xlen+ylen-1;
x1 = [x zeros(1,resultlength-xlen)];
y1 = [y zeros(1,resultlength-ylen)];
X = fft(x); Y=fft(y);
X1 = fft(x1); Y1=fft(y1);
X2 = fft(x,512); Y2 = fft(y,512);
% X2 = X2(1:10); Y2 = Y2(1:10);
freq1 = linspace(0,100,resultlength);
freq2 = linspace(0,100,512);
plot(freq1,abs(X1),'ro'); hold;
Shouldn't the blue plot and the red plot follow each other? Why are there values in the red plot that are not in the blue plot?

Best Answer

You have zero-padded both of your ‘x’ signals, extending ‘x1’ from 4 to 10 by adding 6 zeros at the end, and ‘x2’ by zero-padding it out to a length of 512. The ‘energy’ in the signal are in the non-zero-padded data (zeros within the data are of course permitted). It is necessary to ‘normalise’ the fft by dividing the results by the length of the original (non-zero-padded) signal.
Compare the plots for these two normalised results:
X1 = fft(x1)/xlen;
X2 = fft(x,512)/xlen;
They come very close to overlapping. The blue curve has increased frequency resolution, so appears more continuous.