MATLAB: Does the ‘Unit Delay’ block with a bus signal input display “0:B” as the sorted order in Simulink 6.6 (R2007a)


I have a model in which a bus signal is fed as the input to my Unit Delay block. When I update the diagram to see the block sorted order, I see that, the sorted order is displayed as "0:B" on this Unit Delay block. The documentation states that:
If a bus is connected to a block's input, Simulink displays the block's sorted order as s:B, e.g., 0:B indicates that the block belongs to the root system's execution context and has a bus connected to its input.
I want to see the order number and not "B".

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The reason for this, is that the operation the block performs on the bus might depend on how the signals in the bus are connected. It is not possible to include that information in this display, so we display a simple s:B on the block. All bus enabled blocks display this type of sorted order. To see what is really going on, download the attached model and execute the following in MATLAB:
Notice the Unit Delay block. When you update diagram and (Ctrl+D) you will see it has the sorted order 0:B. Now debug the model, by executing the commands below:
Look for the Unit Delay block in the sorted order, now it is actually 5 blocks. Thus, a Unit Delay is applied for each signal in the bus, and the orders of these five delays are different from each other.
Stop debugging by executing the command below: