MATLAB: Why does the script not open the input file provided


I want to write a script that asks the user to inpt the name of the file the user wishes to open. The program will then read the file and select certain elements from the txt file. When i run the program it asks for the file name however, when i provide the filename the program wont do anything and it'll continue to ask me for the file name.
close all;
filename = input('Please provide the name of the input file:');
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
temp = fscanf(fid,'%f',4);
j = tmep(1);
m = temp(2);
r = temp(3);
nload = temp(4);
%sanity check
if 2*j ~= (m+r)
error('This program can only solve determinate truss ');
temp = fscanf(fid,'%f %f',[j 2]);
XY = temp';

Best Answer

filename = input('Please provide the name of the input file:','s'); % will work