MATLAB: Does the NCD Outport block from the NCD Blockset 1.1.6 (R13) have no constraints when I place it in a model with a stop time of ‘Inf’

blocksetconstraintinfinfinityncdoutportrealitysimulinkSimulink Response Optimizationstoptimevirtualvr

When I place the NCD Outport in a model with a stop time of 'Inf', the constraints do not appear in the NCD constraint viewer GUI when I open it. The following error is displayed when I press 'start' in the NCD constraint viewer GUI:
??? Error using ==> :
Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
Error in ==> D:\applications\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\ncd\nlinopt.m
On line 85 ==> timepts = [tstart:ncdStruct.Tdelta:tfinal]';
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.
For example, the following procedure will create an invalid NCD Blockset setup:
1) Open a new Simulink model
2) Open the 'Simulation' menu and select 'Simulation Parameters'
3) Change the 'Stop time' to 'Inf'
4) Add an NCD Outport to the model
5) Double-click on the NCD Outport to open the NCD constraint viewer GUI
The constraint window will be blank, and attempting to start the optimization procedure will result in an error.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in the NCD Blockset 1.1.6 (R13) in the way that the NCD Blockset handles a Simulink stop time of Inf.
To work around this issue, try the following:
1) Delete the NCD Outport from the Simulink model
2) Delete 'ncdStruct' from the MATLAB workspace
3) Change the simulation stop time to a finite value
4) Add the NCD Outport to the model
The constraints should now be present in the NCD system viewer. The 'ncdStruct' variable must be deleted from the MATLAB workspace, since it stores data about the stop time even after the NCD Outport is deleted from the model.