MATLAB: Does the Image Acquisition Toolbox video preview window cause MATLAB to not respond or appear to hang

acquisitionhangimageImage Acquisition Toolboximaqpreviewwindow

The Handle Graphics based video preview window, provided by the Image Acquisition Toolbox, may experience performance issues when previewing large images or when previewing image data from multiple devices. Examples of some known performance issues include MATLAB appearing to hang or image displays starting to lag.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a known limitation of the Handle Graphics based preview window and will be addressed in a future toolbox release.
If performance problems occur, or MATLAB appears to stop responding, the following steps may help alleviate some of these issues:
- Try previewing a smaller image size. The image size can be reduced by either:
1) Configuring the ROIPosition property such that a smaller resolution is acquired and previewed
2) Resize the preview window such that the entire image is not visible
3) Create a custom preview window GUI by following the example in the Previewing Data in Custom GUIs section of the User's Guide. Doing so will allow you to scale the image size down when the preview window is resized.
- Avoid previewing multiple video input objects simultaneously. In general, performance is best if only one video input object is previewed at a time.
If performance issues persist, the MATLAB Handle Graphics based preview window can be disabled by executing the following commands before issuing any other Image Acquisition Toolbox commands. Note that by disabling the new preview window, the Handle Graphics customization features will be unavailable.
imaqmex('feature', '-useObsoletePreview', true)
Note, to re-enable the Handle Graphics based preview window, restart MATLAB or execute the following commands:
imaqmex('feature', '-useObsoletePreview', false)