MATLAB: Does the GUI which uses an ActiveX control give errors and not display the ActiveX control when deployed


I have created a GUI in MATLAB and placed an ActiveX control on it. The GUI runs in MATLAB and as a standalone application on my development machine. However, when I deploy this GUI on a target machine, I receive two errors.
I receive a popup dialog with the following message:
Error using ==> actxcontrol
Control creation failed. Invalid ProgID 'ARProgBarCtrl.ARProgressBar'
I also receive an error message in the command window:
Warning: File 'hObject' not found.
> In actxproxy at 47
In hgload at 151
In openfig at 78
In gui_mainfcn>local_openfig at 234
In gui_mainfcn at 118
In freed at 40
I would like to prevent the errors and allow my control to work on the client machine.

Best Answer

The error occurs because the ActiveX control is not present and registered on the target machine.
To remedy this, follow these steps:
1) Locate the ActiveX control file/s and transfer them to the client computer. Or install the ActiveX control on the target machine.
2) Using a DOS command window, navigate to the directory where the OCX file for the ActiveX control was placed.
3) Register the control using the following command:
regsvr32 <myfile>.OCX
Where myfile is the name of your ActiveX control. A message should appear indicating success.
4) Run your GUI executable.
This same procedure would need to be repeated for any other ActiveX controls that are in the GUI.