MATLAB: Does QUESTDLG return the wrong button string if I use the TAB key to switch between different buttons and then hit the Return key using MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b)


I would like to use the TAB key to switch between different buttons of a QUESTDLG.
At the moment I am only able to use the mouse to choose between the different buttons but not the TAB key. The buttons do get highlighted in order but when you hit the return key, the default selection is always returned.
For example:
ButtonName = questdlg('What is your favorite color?', ...
'Color Question', ...
'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Green');
switch ButtonName,
case 'Red',
disp('Your favorite color is Red');
case 'Blue',
disp('Your favorite color is Blue.')
case 'Green',
disp('Your favorite color is Green.');
After executing the above code, pressing the TAB key causes different buttons to be highlighted but Green is always returned when you hit the return key.

Best Answer

The ability to use the TAB key to switch between different buttons on a QUESTDLG dialog and activating the button via return key is not available in MATLAB.
To work around this issue you can use the use the TAB key to switch between different buttons on a QUESTDLG dialog and hit the spacebar key to return the correct button string.