MATLAB: Does MATLAB return an “Unknown parameter name: OverSegmen​tation_Fil​terValue” error when I run mspeaks in MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a)

Bioinformatics Toolboxerrormspeaksoversegmentation_filtervalue

The reference page for the MSPEAKS function states that 'OverSegmentation_Filter' is a parameter of MSPEAKS. However, when I evaluate the MSPEAKS function and specify the "Oversegmentation_filtervalue" property as follows:
I receive the following error message:
??? Error using ==> mspeaks at 157
Unknown parameter name: oversegmentation_filtervalue.

Best Answer

This is an error within the documentation for Bioinformatics Toolbox within the reference page for MSPEAKS, when specifying the syntax for parameters passed to the MSPEAKS function. The documentation should read as follows:
instead of