MATLAB: Does FMINCON finds a solution even when constraints are not satisfied

exitflagfminconsolution error

I'm using FMINCON solver as I need to set up Nonlinear 'OR' constraints (similar to this: I'm basically searching whether some fixed points can be accommodated in feasible areas, and for that I'm using the nonlinear constraints. In theory if a feasible solution is found, the inequality constraint c is negative. However, I'm getting positive results in the vector c, and exitflags of 1, and FMINCON finds a solution and retrieve a value, however, it is wrong and I'm using that for further steps. Here is the constraint function and the lines where I call the solver:
function [c,ceq] = ConstraintsOR3n2 (x,e,t)
for i = u
Fx1=Fx1(u); Fx2=Fx2(u); Fx3=Fx3(u); %Fx4=Fx4(u);
options=optimset('Algorithm','interior-point','Display','iter', 'FunValCheck','on');
[x, fval, exitflag]= fmincon(@(x) ObjFunction3n2(x,t,e), x0, [], [], [], [], [], [], @(x)ConstraintsOR3n2(x,e,t), options)
I appreciate very much if someone can give me clue of why is this happening, as I don't understand where is the error, I've checked plenty of times and for some runs where the exitflag is 1, the actual solution does not met the constraints.
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

You might want to read about what the constraint tolerance means for fmincon. Constraints can be violated by a small amount in general.
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